Kayan Studios

Design Photography Video Editing

My Services



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Fusce lorem ex, fringilla eget consequat ut, molestie sit amet nibh. Nullam vitae tincidunt



Aenean pretium nulla libero, vitae iaculis libero efficitur a. Fusce ut augue finibus quam



Fusce lorem ex, fringilla eget consequat ut, molestie sit amet nibh. Nullam vitae tincidunt



Aenean pretium nulla libero, vitae iaculis libero efficitur a. Fusce ut augue finibus quam



Duis molestie enim mattis gravida viverra. Fusce ut eros augue. Sed id mauris vel neque



Duis molestie enim mattis gravida viverra. Fusce ut eros augue. Sed id mauris vel neque



Duis molestie enim mattis gravida viverra. Fusce ut eros augue. Sed id mauris vel neque

Event Covering

Event Covering

Duis molestie enim mattis gravida viverra. Fusce ut eros augue. Sed id mauris vel neque

What We Do

Kayan studio is a Creative Agency based in Cairo and operates across MENA. Specializing in sports content prouduction , Commercial Photography, Promo Videos, and Documentary Film-Making and music video prouduction. We are professional visual creatives with a passion to provide top notch quality service to our clients. We provide Photography, videography, Pre and Post prouduction and editing services. We base our services on our clients' needs throughout our distinguished artistic print in all our services.

Our Vision

We ensure that our product has its own uniqueness, and leaves an impression in every viewers’ heart. We want people to feel the pulse of your brand, anyway what you presents so we create experiences that resonate with your audiences emotional connections that drive people to act. To be able to capture a person’s attention and hold it is a rare thing and to influence them, to challenge them to accept new ideas or join a movement is extraordinary. We are always thinking forward and testing the boundaries of what is possible.

Our Mission

We are dedicated to translating your vision into exceptional, compelling video that delivers measurable results. We nourish the integration of the strategic logistics of the left brain with the creative vision of the right brain. We value the relationships with our clients and their organizations. We utilize the highest quality video equipment, technologies and talent available. We are morally and ethically committed to producing only positive and responsible content. We are Heare to make realirty of your Dreams.

Let’s Work Together On Your Next Project!

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Every Day is a New Challenge

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